Saturday, March 31, 2007
1 x Gatsby Wax Solid (Red Tub)
1 x Gatsby Matt Styling Wax (Black Tub)
1 x Gatsby Styling Clay
1 x Gatsby Hair Spray/Mousse-like Thingie
1 x L'Oreal Studio Party Gel (Dark Blue Tube)
1 x L'Oreal Studio Out of Bed Fiber Putty
all the above defeated by my wildly untamed hair...why can't i have soft straight hair like those taiwanese boy bands, as much as i hate to mention them...their hair at least look a lot more obedient
they need to be disciplined! *whips out a...uh...whip*
12:36 AM
Thursday, March 29, 2007
saw what pple meant by "sticky guy" on the bus today
the guy was hugging and leaning all over his supposed girlfriend while ignoring the attention he was given on the bus, but perhaps he was enjoying it, i could be wrong. nevertheless, his head was basically resting on her shoulder for 80% of the time, with the remaining time trying his best to get as close to her chest as possible
this kinda guys should burn in hell
wait, they should work for Post-it due to their excellent adhesive capabilities
nah, hell will do
9:36 PM
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
just to kiap shuiling
it isn't called a close-up shot. it's a MACRO shot. and THESE are what you call macro shots

took those pics from taiwan around the county i live. even though they're not exactly mind-blowing, but at least they look bright enough. you should feel ashamed, MUAHAHAHA
12:51 AM
Thursday, March 22, 2007
.a dedication to a tortured soul.
the sky was exceptionally gloomy while we comb the area. it wasn't long before we were informed. by the time we found her, it started raining, and the wind picked up. for the very first time the tropical wind chilled to the bones.
and god, if you really exist, please lay rest to a soul so tormented by her corrupted shell. that's the least you could do for all the suffering that had plagued her.
but in the end, not a single humanly tear from my inhuman heart...
may you truly rest in peace now
-wei yang
8:53 PM
Monday, March 19, 2007
there really isn't anything for me to update recently, but today's entry is purely about the issue on black and white.
first off, these are the 2 colours (forget about the shiet that black isn't a colour) that i like. for god's sake it's personal preference. it's like, you like apples and he likes oranges. and criticising on someone else's tastes isn't exactly a nice thing to say. To you guys your previous comments might not seem that negative, but to me they are. it's like saying "hey, your art sux" to an artist when you and his perception of art are vastly different. to me, black and white are meaningful and one of the more intuitive colours, definitely not like what you guys said about "COOL to the teenagers" or "colourless black-and-white life". it's not as if you guys are anywhere more mature, or your lives anywhere more rich. again, it depends on individual perspectives. that said, i have made it pretty clear that such comments tick me off, to an extent i have to dedicate a whole entry to such a mindless topic.
serious things aside, this is can be a good reason why black and white are among the best colours.

12:24 AM
Monday, March 05, 2007
thought i could brag about this

it's still win xp, but it just happens to look a lot more gorgeous, HAHA
9:45 PM
Sunday, March 04, 2007
saw this on the cover of a bar of sulphur soap my mum bought home a few days ago.
didn't know muds have such diversified menu
11:42 PM
poor blog got stripped of its music, lol
have been facing problems with the embedded music on my firefox and ie, so i thought it'll be wise (and convenient) to just remove it
ah well, will be renovating my blog soon. the design's becoming stale
1:13 AM